Lolis Eric Elie and Dawn Logsdon are working on a feature-length documentary, Faubourg Tremé: The Untold Story of Black New Orleans, which focuses on the historic neighborhood in New Orleans that, during slavery, was home to one of the oldest, most prosperous, and most politically active black communities in the country. Filming for the project began in 2001 and followed Elie's journey to uncover the history of his own house in Tremé. In the film, Elie learns from his neighbors about a forgotten civil rights movement, headquartered in Faubourg Tremé in the 1800s.
When Hurricane Katrina hit, Elie and Logsdon filmed additional material and rewrote the story treatment to incorporate the impact of the hurricane on the neighborhood and its people. Although Tremé was spared the worst of the flooding, many of its residents are scattered and unable to return home. Today, the cultural cornerstones of the community are fighting to stay alive, and issues of citizenship are being re-fought on the same turf where they first ignited over 150 years ago.